ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 20000-1 / ISO 27001:2013 / CMMI-SVC Level 4

COVID-19: Navigating the Human and Business Impact

COVID-19: Navigating the Human and Business Impact

The global pandemic demands that businesses make rapid, but highly informed decisions to protect their people, customers and partners. Learn which steps to take now and in the future.

Productivity in Uncertain Times through the Elastic Digital Workplace

State of the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 is a humanitarian and societal crisis of unprecedented speed and scale. It has both immediate and long-lasting implications for how people work and participate in society. The top priority is to protect the health and safety of people, including in their workplaces. Leaders must make rapid, highly-informed decisions, and take immediate actions to protect and support their people and ensure that critical business operations continue in order to help societal continuity.

What’s on the Horizon

While COVID-19 is the catalyst for an immediate implementation of an Elastic Digital Workplace, we anticipate that the crisis will fundamentally alter how we work and engage. Leaders should develop a comprehensive Elastic Digital Workplace implementation plan, focusing on 6 key dimensions.



How to Manage Now

With COVID-19, the time to act is now. Deferred decisions and delayed actions have immediate and longer-term business continuity impacts. To minimize business disruption and protect employees, organizations must take steps now – starting within the next 24 hours – to start creating an Elastic Digital Workplace. Anchor IT’s Elastic Digital Workplace solution enables a highly extendable workplace environment that allows you to quickly scale and dynamically adapt to changing business needs based on global and local conditions.

  • Analyze your current technology capabilities and your ability to scale out internally, including your current communications plan and support structure.

  • Design a change management plan, including leadership communications that encourage employees to adopt key technologies that will facilitate connections to their team members and leaders in this new environment, internal meetings and even large-scale external events.

  • Identify how to expand your workplace to the periphery, including a focus on home networking, broader networking, security, upgrading other tools and capabilities and helping your people learn and embrace new ways of working with each other.

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